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- Hudson's Bay® Barbie®
Product Description
Silver Label®
Designer: Carlyle Nuera
Release Date: 10/5/2016
Hudson's Bay Company, established in 1670, introduces Barbie with a modern Canadian fashion spirit for Fall 2016. The Hudson's Bay® Barbie® is an independent, creative spirit who follows these personal mantras: “Strive to better yourself”; “wear your heart on your sleeve”; “be kind and be brave”; and, most importantly, “always seek adventure”! This doll was designed in collaboration with the Hudson's Bay Company Collection Design team.
Body Type: ModelMuse
Facial sculpt: Aphrodite
Fashion Sewn On: No
Fashion: Classic duffle coat and matching pencil skirt bearing the iconic Point Blanket multi stripe, black turtleneck sweater
Accessories: Jewelry suite, watch, oversized RX glasses, carry bag, multi stripe mug, “Little Hudson” poodle wearing multi stripe dog coat, smartphone, Hudson's Bay Times
Doll Stand: Yes
Package Dimensions (H/D/W):13.5“X 9“X3“
Hudson's Bay Company, the multi stripe design and associated trademarks are owned by Hudson's Bay Company and used under license.